The FIRA Platform

Who is FIRA?

FIRA is a verification bureau and verifies CSR performance of companies and institutions. The CSR reports are recorded and analysed via an online platform. This is a way to make Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of bigger importance.

What is the FIRA platform?

The FIRA platform is an online registry where companies make their CSR performance visible to customers. The platform closely adhere to international standards in the field of sustainability.

The methods of FIRA are based on ISO 26000, GRI and AA1000. The methodology has been assessed by NEN for consistency with the NPR9026. A commission of experts has been appointed together with purchasing specialists and corporate social responsibility experts. NEVI also takes part in the committee. The committee considers the methodology used and bends over new developments in corporate social responsibility in relation to the FIRA platform.

Since 22 July 2014, ROOTS has joined the FIRA plaTform and as per 4 September 2014 we obtained the Bronze level. Additionally, ROOTS has analysed our ve¬hicle fleet and established an achievable target in terms of CO2-emissions.

Mobility analysis.

ROOTS has set the following targets in terms of CO2-emissions regarding our vehicle fleet;
• 50% of the fleet should emit an average of 130 grams CO2 by the end of 2015
• 50% of the fleet should emit an average of 95 grams CO2 by the end of 2020

This objective is in line with the guidelines of the European Environment Agency. To achieve these objectives, ROOTS embraced the technological developments from the automotive industry regarding PHEV’s (Plug-In Hy¬brid Electrical Vehicles). Employees are allowed to opt for such a PHEV, which exceeds the standards set on value on the existing scheme.

This creates a win-win situation; CO2 emissions are considerably reduced and the driver benefits from a lower percentage on car taxes.